An Announcement of Great Interest

Nov 29, 2005 21:01

(Or, you know, not.)

why friends-only?
Because I've heard about bloggers being fired and I'm paranoid. Also, frankly, I have some problems of my own that I don't really feel like discussing outside my immediate circle, and basically I'm curling up to protect my vulnerable spots. That's what this amounts to. Maybe at some point in the future, I won't be friends-only anymore, but for right now, I am.

why won't commenting get me anywhere?
You're welcome to comment if you want, but it doesn't mean that I'll add you. There is a possibility that I may. There is a stronger possibility that I may not. I'm kind of not really open to new acquaintance right now.

but I commented! why won't you add me?
Any one of a number of reasons, most likely the following.
a.) See above: I'm kind of not really open to new acquaintance right now.
b.) While you're probably okay, you write about things that are not of interest to me.
c.) You commanded me to add you, a mindset which totally shits me. I hate this "I ADDZ0RED U! ADD ME U PLEBE! XO!!!" mindset. If you add me, that's nice and all, but I'm not of the school that the only polite thing to do is add you back. Likewise, I don't consider that other people owe it to me to add me. If, for whatever reason, they don't want me reading or don't want me on their flist, that's their right--just as it is my right to refuse to add you because you were an ass about it.
d.) Has it ever occurred to you that I might not like you?

well, I'm adding you anyway.
Go to town. Have a ball. But that still creates no obligation on my part.

what are you like?
The entries linked from my userinfo have remained public. You can form an opinion, though perhaps not much of one, from those.

what do you write about?
Nothing of general interest. You're not missing anything worth reading.

how can I get in touch with you?
Contact info? On my userinfo. Have fun. Don't expect me to be enthused if you catch me during the week, though. I'm a working man.

friends, announcements, life

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