
Jun 05, 2003 18:01

My boss and I had a very interesting conversation about ancient historiography today on my lunch hour. (It started when he asked what I was doing, and I told him I was doing Latin.) Actually, it was a very one-sided conversation, in that I was doing the talking.

He had that expression on his face: the "My God I can't believe any twentysomething woman would be interested in this let alone talk intelligently about it" one. I think this is going to form part of the Legend of Lee's High IQ, probably told and retold to anybody who cares to listen, suffixed with the word, "Wow!".

Unfortunately, Melissa Meatslammer and the secretary came in, so my Ancient Historiography For The Layperson lecture was interrupted and never resumed.

Also: Jazzy is going to start working third shift. Jazzy 0wnz0r. Jazzy r0x0r and r00lz. I will miss Jazzy.

classics, latin, jazzy, work

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