Jun 02, 2003 20:27
Terra Incognita: The inquiry I had yesterday turned into a definite join. YAY! I got 30 hits yesterday, and 18 today (so far). Also, h0ed some more on assorted plug lists. Get out there and h0 for me, people!
I love Alexander the Great long time. Thought I should let y'all know. I'm fond of Philip II, too; he was so cynical about the way he used Panhellenism, and Isokrates was such a dork. I'm sorry, Isokrates should have known that Philip was not going to march on Persia in return for only the pride in a job well done.
(Prof. Long once referred to Isokrates as "the biggest windbag in antiquity". I concur. Cicero was the other biggest windbag in antiquity.)
Today was an exhausting and annoying day, but for some reason I was in a pretty good mood about all of it. That's the difference between Bloomington!Lee and Evansville!Lee; Bloomington!Lee is always grinning like an insane moron, usually because she's thinking about classics, and Evansville!Lee is a rather dour individual. I think it comes from the fact that I hate Evansville and I quintessentially do not want to be here. Oh well, that's life.
But today I was more like Bloomington!Lee, which I think of as "the real me", and that made me happy. I could even endure Melissa Meatslammer in relative good cheer.
alexander the great,
terra incognita,