Home again, home again, jiggety jig.

May 10, 2003 21:32

By some miracle, I managed to get completely cleaned and packed by the time m0mmy came up last night. Seriously, I had just finished vacuuming when she knocked on my door. We turned out not to need any of the extra boxes she brought with her, and it only took about an hour and a half to pack up. (I don't take a lot of shit to school with me--just my clothes, a few books, some of my music, and the supplies. I have neither a TV nor a computer of my own.)

The weather was foul when we were driving home. There was a thunderstorm WITH SPOTS OF HAIL; the lightning flashes were so huge that they literally lit up everything in front of us. We had actually just gotten through Loogootee when we turned on the radio and found there was a tornado warning on for the area. I was zonked out, having been up since 12:30/1 a.m. that morning, but found myself wondering if we should be on the road at all. Fortunately, we were moving away from the area for a tornado warning, and the storm lessened as we went south. (Thank God.)

Slept until 3 this afternoon.


lolmom, stupid weather, school

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