Title: Not Me (1/1)
sinecure -
My master fic listCharacter/Pairing: Jeff, Britta, Annie
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,167
Genre: Gen, slight smutty times, romance... ish.
Spoilers: Epidemiology
Summary: Britta and Jeff meet in the bathroom during the Halloween party.
Disclaimer: I don't own Community and I make no money off of it.
A/N: This is part
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Comments 20
I think it says more about me than you that I'm disappointed that you didn't continue that scene. Apparently, Jeff and Annie are A++ in any context for me ;->
Very cute!
I was watching Epidemiology today and Jeff's uncaring attitude toward everyone in this episode really annoys me and feels OOC. I think that's where this sprang from.
Thanks! And thank for not coming after me with a pitchfork! :)
Also, crazy! Because I was watching Epidemiology last night too! I think if you focus on Jeff wanting to look cool, even as a zombie, than it makes sense? But yeah, his uncaring attitude didn't ring true. He didn't even flinch when Annie got eaten, he left Shirley and Chang... I guess he did that in the first paintball ep too, though?
I like your way of resolving it anyway!
... If you end up writing zombie smut, I wouldn't necessarily complain. (I might hate myself but complain? No! Not I...)
My evil plan to get everyone to crave zombie smut is coming along beautifully!
You win the world.
Hee. I've done a Doctor/TARDIS smut fic, and now a zombie smut fic, I think I've gone as wacky as I possibly can and there is no more wacky to go.
Why, thank you! I've always wanted to own the world. I promise to only tarnish it a little.
First. Love this spin, I've always gotten such a J/B feeling from that episode, even when it first aired (the Jeff feeding Britta part especially felt too couply for my comfort) and we didn't know about the hook ups, so it was never my favourite to rewatch, and Paradigms reveal ruined it some more, so thanks for giving it a J/A spin. I totally can get behind that, I've also come to a sad conclusion that I only genuinely like Britta when she is being written by J/A shippers, I wish she were that wise on the show.
Second. Wha...What did I just read,lol, you do have the ability to surprise me,haha, I thought Doctor/TARDIS smut was the weirdest thing I've ever read until now. Totally gives the line "men are monsters who crave young flesh" a whole new meaning, also, to a line from the popular song to vid J/A to "take a bite of my heart" *gg*
So, in my mind, his base instincts led him to Annie and that craving for her was still there.
Of course, in my mind, it's all rainbows and puppies and Jeff and Annie are doing it like bunnies. With angst.
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