Missing Moments (Community drabbles)

Feb 19, 2012 00:29

Title: Missing Moments (4/?)
Author: sinecure - My master fic list
Character/Pairing: Jeff/Annie, Jeff, Annie, Pierce, Britta, Troy, Abed, Shirley
Rating: This batch is PG-13, future ones may dip into the Adult range.
Genre: Drabbles, romance, humor, drama, angst, general, etc.
Summary: Missing moments between or during episodes. Nothing specific really. All unconnected, could've-happened-on-the-show, moments.
Disclaimer: I don't own Community and I make no money off of it.
A/N: Drabbles, exactly 100 words. Double drabbles, exactly 200 words.

MM 1
MM 2
MM 3

The Psychology of Seating

Where Jeff sits doesn't really register in his mind until he's already seated.

More often than not, when he looks beside him, Annie is there. He feels her warmth, the soft flesh of her thigh against his, the light brush of her fingers.

But he never consciously chooses to sit this way.

Sometimes, he finds himself sitting across from her. She has a classic beauty that knocks the breath from his lungs every single day and makes him feel like the sun is coming out again after a long, cold winter.

But he doesn't choose his seating with any purpose.

Hot For Teacher

"...more of a Professor look," Annie mocked, rolling her eyes at herself. What had she been thinking? Dressing to impress was one thing. Dressing to impress Jeff?

Totally stupid.

He dated women, not girls. And, just because he'd come to her rescue, kicking down a door for her, it didn't mean anything, except that he'd felt guilty.

And his concerned, worried expression would've been there for any one of the group. Even Pierce.

Flopping back on the couch, she sighed, freezing at the sound of Jeff's voice as he entered the room.

"...hot teacher, hot student? She's sort of both."

Fire Bad. Tree Pretty.

Annie usually wasn't impulsive, but she could improvise like hell. So, when word came down that there was a pack of wild lemurs roaming the halls, she sprang into action. The resulting explosion was pretty.

The dean didn't agree.

Now, she was stuck washing dishes.

Sighing at the hot, soapy water, she dove her hands back in, surprised when the door opened and Jeff came in, dressed to do some work.

"Jeff? What are-- you don't have to--"

He shrugged. "I'm the one who supplied the flame."

"You lost at drawing straws, didn't you?"

"I refuse to answer that."

Beauty Sleep

Sometimes, Annie isn't clear on what's acceptable between them and what's not. Tonight is one of those times. Jeff's asleep with his head on her shoulder. Should she wake him...?

His lips move with light utterings and she shivers at the tickle on her skin.

She isn't sure what to do about it. Or how it happened in the first place. Sitting, studying, talking, moving to the couch, talking and studying some more, then... waking up with his hair tickling her cheek.

A smile slides up her lips and she rests her head against his, deciding he needs his sleep.

Dancing King

"I'm sorry."

Annie looked up from her book. "About...?"

Jeff shook his head, at a loss. "I'm not sure, but I have this urge to apologize to you. And Shirley."

"Guilt over something you haven't done yet?" Annie grinned and clasped her hands on her book, eyes bright. "That's planning ahead."

"No, I--" He sighed, shrugging. "I can't explain it."

"Well, I accept your apology, Jeffrey." Shirley smiled sweetly at him, then turned to Pierce, voice lowering. "Will you shut that music off?"

"Yeah, Pierce, what's with the sudden obsession with Abba?"

"I don't know. I've never liked them!"

Tell Me A Story About Kissing

"You're very, very pretty and I want to kiss you."

Annie ignored the sudden pounding of her heart and stared at Jeff, who was leaning against her doorframe, smiling dopily at her. "Um, are you drunk?"


"You're drooling."

He wiped his mouth with a giggle. "The dentist had shots and gasses and I think he might be Bill Murray."

"Bill Murray-- what? Tell me you didn't drive here. That's as bad as driving drunk!"

"Shirley drove me. She said you were a good babysitter and that I should ask you for a story, but I think I want a kiss more."

"Um, yeah, you're still drooling," she muttered, drawing away from his lips as he moved in.

Life Can Be A Dream, Sweetheart

"...a sex dream about--"

"Shh! Shirley. I don't want anyone else knowing."

"Well, you do know that dreaming about him isn't a right situation, don't you?"

Annie rolled her eyes. "I don't think--"

"Hey, everyone. Annie had a sex dream about me!"


"That's what you got out of that conversation that you eavesdropped on? You need to open your ears more. Annie's dream wasn't about you, it was about Jeff."


"Whoa. Annie's dreaming about Jeff?"

"Britta..." Annie dropped to her seat with a groan.

"Annie did what now?"

"...crap." She dropped her head to the table.

All Apologies


"It's this round, pie-shaped thing with meat and cheese and vegetables? Maybe you've heard of it?" Jeff loosened his tie and the top button of his shirt. He wasn't used to wearing suits anymore, and if he were honest with himself, he'd have to say they were just this side of constricting.

"But, why?"

He sighed, dropping to the couch beside Annie. "I don't know, to say sorry for trying so hard to defeat you, I guess."

A tired smile lifted her lips. "Pizza sounds good." She pulled her feet up beside her and leaned on him a little as the dean made an announcement about Cartman and not having nice things.

Comfortable silence fell after a minute.

Neither moved to order the pizza.

Jeff leaned on her just a little, closing his eyes and resting his cheek on the top of her head. She smelled good in a place that reeked of distemper and failure. He was just starting to drift off to sleep when he heard her quietly say his name.


"Your butt looked really good in your audition tape."

A laugh left him and he surreptitiously pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

Marital Aid Stores Rarely Have...

Annie flushed a brighter shade of red. "I just haven't, okay?"

"Well, why not? You live above it!"

Ducking her head from Pierce's annoyed glare, she caught Jeff's gaze. Great. She wanted to sink into the floor and pull the carpet over herself. Stupid Pierce asking stupid questions.

Jeff sat back. "So, you've never been curious--"


"Not once?"



"No, all right, guys? I've never perused the fine aisles of Dildopolus and certainly never for... peach-flavored, edible panties. Can we study now?"

"I love peach," Jeff mused quietly and she swallowed around a suddenly dry throat.

Topsy Turvy World

Jeff blinked awake, panic pouring through him. "Is Pierce's Penis still rampaging?"

Annie half-smirked and half-cringed, holding him down with a firm grip. "No. Pierce finally lured it back into its cage. After making us say its name. Ugh! I need a shower or ten." She dabbed at the focal point of Jeff's pain, face softening. "Don't ever do that again."

Lying back, he closed his eyes, feeling his heartbeat triple at her touch. "All right. I promise never to get in front of an orangutan named Pierce's Penis ever again. Even if he's about to clobber you."

She chuckled, brushing her finger over the cut one last time. "He clobbered you instead. How was that better?"

"It just was." He looked up at her, surprised to see such somberness in her eyes. "What--"

"You scared me. I thought-- I thought Pierce's Penis was going to kill you." Her lips twitched at her heartfelt statement, but settled again almost immediately.

"Hey. Don't worry about me." He pushed up slowly, bracing himself with his arms.

"I can't help it, Jeff." She ducked her head, looking at him under her lashes. "You mean a lot to me."

He smiled. "You, too."

Feminism Et Tu

"Oh, what's that, men? You say you want--"

Jeff sighed heavily. "You know, we might take your feminist crap more seriously if you didn't sell flashes of your breasts for tickets."

"Or, if you didn't rant about objectifying women with makeup and hair products and then, well..." Annie gestured at Britta.

Britta gasped, staring from Jeff to Annie. "What--"

Jeff shared a look with Annie. "Or spend ten minutes on how women-as-bitches is a stereotype, then turn into the Greatest Bitch of the Rockies."

"That's not fair! Annie and Shirley were--"

"And the way you asked everyone else to donate their time and money, but blew off a benefit run for a hair appointment?" Annie turned toward Jeff animatedly. "Oh, and remember how she said selling Girl Scout cookies was whoring out the 'littlest generation'?"

"Ugh! And the--"

"Britta baggle things again?" Pierce asked, breezing into the room.

Britta glared at the three of them. "Whatever!"

Jeff, Annie, and Pierce followed her out with their eyes.


Annie flailed a little in her seat, excitement pouring through her. "Pierce did you get her birthday cake? She's going to be so surprised!"

"One tofu cake, no meat."

The Psychology of Word Fights

"Stick in the mud."

"Mud in your eye."

"Eye spy."

"I Spy. No." Jeff pointed at Troy, who scribbled Jeff's new score down. "Wait!"

"Unh-uh! You screwed up! I win!" Annie grinned and smugly settled her arms over her books, back straightening. "I want... hm."

The prize for winning was anything goes. He hadn't worried until... crap. He really hoped she didn't choose a kiss or a hug or something equally as Annie as that.

Although, hugs were nice.

"I want you..."

He sighed, ready to let her down easy.

"...to clean my bathroom."

Jeff gaped at her. "But... kiss."

sinecure: community, sinecure, sinecure: community: missing moments

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