Title: Mad World (1/1)
Rating: Loosely Teen but is Adult for mature subject matter (not smut)
Characters: Rose
Spoilers: Doomsday
Summary: After Doomsday Rose tries to find her way in a world that isn't her own. Unfortunately, even the strongest of souls can cave under the pressure of a broken heart
Author's Notes: This story kind of wrote
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Comments 2
You still wrote it beautifully though.
By the by - was there any more written for this? Up the top you mention a second part....
As for the sequel...I haven't written it yet. Don't even know if I will or not. As I said in my five favorite fics meme, this fic and me have a very love-hate relationship. I don't look at this fic and get all excited about writing the ending, though I do still debate it on a monthly basis. That and...well, to be perfectly honest I don't know which scenario I'd want to use (I have at least two, probably more like three or four) and I'm worried that any of them will diminish the poignancy of this one. I just don't know. Which isn't the answer you were looking for. Sorry. If you can't tell, I'm very torn on writing the sequel.
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