Title: What He Remembered (1/1)
sinecure -
My master fic listCharacter/Pairing: 10.2, Rose
Rating: Teen
Genre: Drama, angst, AU
Summary: The Human-Doctor isn't happy with his new life in Pete's World.
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who.
Thanks: to
momdaegmorgan for the beta.
What He Remembered )
Comments 13
"Because you're all I have left now. He took everything else from me."
Heartbreaking, but truthful. I guess that's the kind of man he is now.
Rose has every right to be pissed as well, and people write that all the time. But the Doctor being angry is a rare read for me... not that I'm reading much of anything lately.
I think I almost wrote those lines first.
Thank you for commenting! :)
Yeah, every now and then I get a just need a "and then they lived happily ever after" Ten II fic, but when I really think about JE, my reaction is always more along the lines of "what the fracking hell was THAT?!?". I love stories that explore the ugly, honest truth of what being dumped together in the wrong universe would be like for them. It's the little things, the peppery taste, in these fics that gives me hope for them.
I'd love to see this continue...partially to get to a better place for the characters, and partially to see those last two lines explored. (Because at the end? There's quite a substantial argument to be made that Ten is the bastard of the group. And I'd love to see this 10.5 make it and this Rose react to it.)
(Oh, also? The "Does it turn you emo?" line cracked me up. No, Rose, you did that already; him being human has nothing to do with it.)
I have to admit I had big plans for this one to some extent, and I have more written, I just need to get more than vague ideas and a goal in mind before I continue it. But there's a good chance that I will at least add a second chapter.
Thanks for commenting, I know 10.2 isn't as loved as Ten, so he needs all the love he can get. ;)
This was angsty to the nth degree, and I loved it. Poor Ten II gets short shrift in most stories I've read, while he has every reason to be angry and resentful at how Ten has basically kicked him -- and Rose -- out. Especially since he remembers being a Time Lord, and realizes what a short and boring life he now has ahead of him.
I do hope you add another chapter. Comfort!sex or even angry!sex would be nice, you know. :)
I'm heaping the angst on them in this one. Big-time. More is written--not much--and more is planned, I'm just not sure when exactly. I really agree, 10.2 has so many reasons to be pissy and furious and resentful and I think he would, right away. Yeah, he gets Rose, but look at everything he lost. I guess that's RTD's way of saying he'd give up everything for the woman he loves, but I don't think it's that simple.
Sex is possible. This is me, after all. ;)
Still I have faith they will climb out of the abyss...
He's just lost everything that ever meant anything to him. And gained Rose, yes, but is that enough? Not right away.
Keep the faith! ;)
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