Title: An Integral Part of the Equation (1/1)
momdaegmorgan -
My master fic listRating: Adult
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose/Ten.2
Prompt(s): Tencest/Rose, from voyeurism to participation and Ten/Rose, possessive/jealous!Ten
Summary: He watches from the sidelines, unaware that he is important too.
Disclaimer: Doctor Who owns my soul. I own nothing.
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And? You should really share with your coherency with the rest of the class.
Love this, love the idea of TenII and Rose plotting to rope Ten into the fun and games. Love that they were taunting him by acting out his fantasies. The fact that his fantasy was to have her fingers tangled in his hair holding his head between her thighs melted my brain a little. Actually, rather a lot. Also loved the tie thing. So very hot. In fact, it seems like all of Ten's fantasies are awesome and they should *all* be acted out. Right now. In this bed that no one gets to leave for days. Just as soon as someone shows TenII some love.
I really love the idea too though...there is a bit more to it than that. In my head anyway. Possibly in fic sometime soon. I'd like to do both a sequel and a prequel to this, show what happened before and after this scene. I'm just not really sure when I'm going to have the time to.
And his fantasies? Yes, they should all be acted out. Countless times. In my bedroom fic. I shall aspire to making this come true.
*sends encouraging vibes to Tencest muse*
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