Posters Pirated and Yaoicon stuff :3

May 27, 2007 02:02

The BEST post at the fregg_love community so far, GO CHECK IT OUT! xDD

The first meeting about the yaoi convention was held today at my place. It was very nice and efficient, I think. ^^ I shall write a summary of the meeting to everyone involved. mewkimura, I need to talk with you about some things that we discussed/decided upon before I send out the summary. I'll give you a ring tomorrow (or today... erm, Sunday ;3p) about it, or you could phone me if you happen to read this before I call you. (Btw, how was the Italian party? ^^)

The premices of the convention have been booked, I just want to get it on paper so as to be sure there'll be no mix-ups or misunderstandings. I'm super-excited about this event, thank you beforehand everyone who are being so kind and helpful! x3

Later in the afternoon when me and Neko went from Råcksta subway station we saw a guy taking down advertisements, and I saw that he was underway of taking down one of Orlando Bloom from the latest Pirates-movie. I asked if I could have it and... he said yes! Eeeee! ^w^ (I'm not that crazy about Orlando, but still! A huge cool poster is a huge cool poster! :D) Then when we went downstairs into the ticket hall I noticed that there was another poster but with Jack Sparrow, so I waited to see if he'd take that one down too and... ... ... ... xDDD

*pets her two pirate-posters lovingly* ^o^ They're friggin' huge, so I was thinking of putting them in the ceiling... Hehehehee... Jack staring down at me... Ack! @w@

...They're made out some form of plastic-paper mix, so I think they'll withstand drooling too! ;DD

yaoicon, fregg, jack sparrow, caribbean, hot fuzz, posters, con, pirates, doyoubikai

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