Mar 29, 2007 21:56
I must've given dad's sister the impression of being a complete nutter when I picked up the phone at around nine this evening. >.>; I'd fallen asleep on the couch after coming home from work, and was completely disoriented due to a complete lack of windows in the TV-room. I started rambling about having over-slept and getting fired whilst my aunt tried grasping the sudden fact that I worked at a night-time kindergarten (something that doesn't exist here, so far). xD;
Nyarhm. I'm going to Finland tomorrow (by boat, of course) to attend to my grandpa's funeral, I'll be back on Sunday. Not that I think anyone would've noticed my absence here on LJ, I've been really bad at posting lately... Nothing too interesting happens, just snotty brats a- HEY! Speaking of snotty brats; I was showing a kid how to write some other children's names, and when I turned around to talk to another kid he friggin' hit me on my leg with a rake! o___O; Beasts. The lot of them.