Aug 04, 2009 14:26
"i'd rather fail at something i love than be a success at something i hate."
-george burns
i have decided to quit my job delivering pizzas on may 1. i am instead going to try to sell my art and my writing to live on. this decision comes after years and years of struggling with school, work, family, friends, love and life. if i am always going to be struggling, always going to be scrathching for an extra dollar, i may as well do it with something i love. something i want to do.
i have also decided that i am going to rent a storefront by the end of 2010. a bookstore/art gallery/music store. i have talked about this for years and never done it, but now, i am going to quit smoking and save all of my money for this investment.
i will be continuing school as well. i will at least get my bachelor's. i have put it off too long and taken too many breaks to just quit 9 credits shy.
i want your love and your support. i do not want to be talked out of this. when i was younger i wanted to be a comic book artist. after 10 years of my uncle telling me not to do it, i'd never make it, i gave up on that dream. and now here i am damn near 28, delivering pizzas 9 credits shy of a BA and nothing to show for it. i want to wake up hating my life for different reasons.