Jun 25, 2009 21:27
The Bad:
Michael Jackson died (say what you will about him being an eccentric weirdo, he was a damn fine entertainer)
Farrah Fawcett and Ed McMahon died as well, and while sad, I don't have nostalgia-related memories of them.
I sprained(?) my knee last night walking down three concrete steps. They were wet, as it was a pool party. I'm guessing it's a sprain and not broken, as I can put weight on it. Hobbling around now...particularly not fun on the bus.
Probably not going to be able to buy a building for another year. Logistically speaking, it just ain't in the cards right now (me losing my job, ryan needing more for a good down payment)
My left arm/hand has been numb all day. Weird?! Maybe it was from my fall last night?
Any potential job leads have fallen through. Not looking good right now. Might have to go back to working the tattoo shop for awhile. *groan*
went to info session last night for UIC's Nursing School. Woah. Need to take 3 prereq science courses before I can even apply. They weren't kidding when they said it was competitive. Average 700-800 applicants. Total undergrad spots available: 80. DAMN. Might just look into getting my associates instead.
The Good:
Oh! I've had good fun the past two nights! A Tuesday night dinner party with my old pal Jake, his wife Erin and their two year old daughter Edie, along with Michelle and Andrea. Lots of wine and laughter. Wednesday night POOL and HOT TUB partaaaay! It was crazy fun, until I slid down Banker's stairs. I wasn't drunk, it was just slippery! At least it happened at the end of the night and I was about to leave anyway. What better way to spend a Wednesday Summer night than with a dozen or so of your favorite buddies.
Gotta ice my knee or something. Glad all of those derby injuries taught me a thing or two about aftercare.