Oct 20, 2009 03:00
- 11:16:49: hey @ gender_rebel if Fancy Fast Food can do this with Wendy's and Chic-fil-a wonder what they could do with beige? http://bit.ly/3K9DyX
- 11:33:31: I've got a gift certificate about to expire so I need to pick something from thinkgeek.com. I have $50 what shld I buy? suggestions?
- 11:37:57: My current leaning is toward Gunnar Computer Glasses in Marley Mercury for $79.99. http://bit.ly/4BjJqS Comments?
- 11:40:01: I'm also trying to figure out somethign for my mother to buy me for my birthday. And no I don't think I can talk her into a spinning wheel!
- 11:42:31: But if she asks what I REALLY want feel free to suggest a Louet Victoria - http://bit.ly/4gKO60
- 11:43:43: Though I think I have more chance of her buying me a new car than a spinning wheel cause she just doesn't "get" the fiber stuff.
- 11:45:16: btw - I got to try a Victoria in CA and it was EXACTLY what I thought I wanted. So If anyone spies one on the cheap - let me know.
- 11:47:25: Now back to work. It's catalog copy writing day here! So I'm swimming in words & trying to get too much info to fit way too little space.
- 12:54:25: @ chrome64 pretty sure @gender_rebel already has an original ThinkGeek Annoy-a-tron. so one per household is probably more than enough.
- 13:02:02: @ chrome64 I had a wifi shirt once when I was 2XL - gave it to my uber geek friend who I will look to for help during the zombie apocolypse
- 13:04:04: Im seriously thinking about gettin the glasses. I was considering a pair and hving them only be $30 out of pkt sounds good to me.
- 13:07:57: I think current second on the list is BluAlert Bluetooth Bracelet. Not as practical but still useful and totally geeky?
- 13:09:18: btw thanks to @ gender_rebel for alerting me to the idea that i could have my mom buy me the glasses at no $ out of pocket to me. GOOD CALL!
- 13:25:57: RT @ guyswithiphones Hey guys, we're running a "Bear Tuesday" tomorrow; if u're a hot bear (or know of one), please send ur submissions
- 13:27:21: quick somebody give @ gender_rebel an iphone - cause bears come in all shapes and sizes!
- 13:45:13: Just finished my lunch of cottage cheese, pineapple and shredded cheese. How come I always want more when it's the bottom of the tub?
- 14:07:35: I can hear the guy teaching down the hall through my closed door with Pandora playing louder than usual! I feel sorry for the students.
- 14:28:38: well done and funny - RT Queerty: WATCH: What Miley Cyrus Hath Wrought http://bit.ly/NeN6Y
- 15:12:32: read 2 stories in a tech update enewsletter - Topics: waterless urinals w/ flies for aiming and Blackberry devices used by organized crime
- 15:24:04: I think the dude yelling gets louder as the day progresses. I'd need to wear sound dampening ear plugs if I was in his class
- 16:25:52: YES REALLY! RT @ Queerty - Gay man tried to poison lesbians neighbors...after accused of kidnapping their 3-legged cat http://bit.ly/ll5uo
- 16:27:28: So ready for knit nite (and @ chick_fil_a dinner?) --- where is 6:00?
- 17:15:23: @ thneed_knitter it usually takes 2-3 weeks to get one week of grandma out of them. It's the same with our k9s - but them we can crate!
- 17:18:47: @ thneed_knitter We need someone to create an after vacation recovery period that doesn't wreck the rest of our daily life?
- 17:22:21: @ GUNNARForce never got any reviews/opinions but am still considering the purchase via gift & trying to decide on frame style.
- 17:23:34: So if I'm going to get Gunnar Optiks computer glasses for my Birthday - which frame should I get? http://bit.ly/2rGszg
- 17:28:43: think I prefer the full frame options: Attache - Phenom, Catalyst - WiFive, Metallic - SheaDog/Marley/Rocket/Ombre, eSport -PPK/Paralex
- 17:31:54: Let's just STAY backwards! RT @ aldotcom Artur Davis calls for constitution rewrite; Kay Ivey says 'it's a bad idea' http://bit.ly/30ZUvB
- 18:22:52: Dinner @ chick_fil_a plus knitting sounds like a plan for a good Monday. YUM = nuggets and waffle fries for me.
- 18:54:00: @ knitngurl u kno were putting u in quaratine right?
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