A Favorite Fic: Career Change

Jul 12, 2006 17:31

Sometime after "Crush" (ep 5.14), Giles wakens in Spike's crypt to find that he's been turned by Drusilla. Thus begins 
riani1's fabulous Career Change where she basically rewrites the second half of S5. Giles now experiences existence from the other side -the side that he's been hunting and staking all these years and the inner Ripper emerges. The story touches base with many plot points of post-"Crush" S5 though the finale is quite different. It's at times dark but full of humor and well thought out. Riani is a writer who's mastered good plotting and characterization. "CC" is an ensemble fic where Buffy & co are treated with respect - no character bashing - and her Xander is Mr Competent Guy. There are those who like feral Spike but the best Spike is feral-yet-caring Spike and in "CC" he's that for Joyce and Dawn. Topping it off is her creation of the Convent of St. Eugene (I think I'm a convert *g*) and I want to adopt Baynar, her adorable OC. The fic is full of wonderful dialogue like this:

I'm in a Mission era convent dedicated to a saint who was a demon, threatened by a small army that dates from the Middle Ages, while my daughters have jumped through an interdimensional portal in the company of a vampire. Our defense relies on another vampire, one young man with a gun, and a witch. My high school yearbook said I was the girl most likely to be boring."
Anya hugged her. "And you're with us, instead. Isn't that better?"
Xander laughed. "Yeah, Mrs. Summers. Congratulations, you're a Scooby.

The story consists of 5 long chapters with a NC-17 addendum to the second chapter. If you haven't yet read this memorable fic get over there now. The author has a sequel "Career Advancement" in progress which is hinting at possible Spandery goodness and the addition of the AI gang. Also try the human AU Nessuno which can be read as a sort of very-early-prequel (15th century Rome) to this series. Riani has written other fics in addition to the Careerverse - go check them out too.

favorite fics

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