More Favorite Fics: Credence & Co. (S/X)

Oct 20, 2005 18:46

One of the best writers working in the BtVS fandom today is tabaqui . She has a knack for writing what I call "Variations on a Theme of Spander". It' s astonishing how many times she can make Spike meets Xander and slash happens come across as new and different. For some reason my favorite is Credence which goes AU in S4. In Seattle, a feral (the best kind) Spike comes across a Xander desperate to help Oz. Spike, who owes Oz, helps while exacting his own price from Xander. Though I think it ends sort of abruptly with no grand climax (of the literary kind) Tabaqui writes that it's complete though it's still listed as a WIP at her website. I relish each of the 21 chapters and would love to see it go on but unfortunately it's a writer's progative to say when a fic is finished (who made that rule up?). Someday I'd love to read an epilogue set a few years later describing their new life together and tying up a few barely noticeable loose ends. Her "Changes" is her major opus, over 65 chapters in 2 parts, that basically retells BtVS from "The I in Team", ep 4.13, onwards past the end of the series. This SpikeXander duo ends up in a sort of menage a quatre with Oz and an OMC. It's a long complex fic with a full cast of characters featuring a strong, radiant Tara and a Dawn who does more than whine. I also love her "Little Runaway" series, her "Dogs Of War", her new "Under the Mountain", her...oh heck just go over to her website and read everything there her fics are that good.

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