Penny Dreadful

Jun 05, 2014 15:04

Anyone watching "Penny Dreadful"? It's a mix of various 19th century literary characters of the supernatural bent. I'm a bit ambivalent about it but it is totally unpredictable. The finale of the last episode "Demimonde" ended to the tune of Wagner's Liebestod as Dorian Gray and Ethan Chandler drank absinthe, looked at paintings and concluded the episode with a passionate kiss I did not see coming (does absinthe really make the heart grow fonder?) . I hear it's been renewed for a second season so I'm more inclined to become intrigued by it - I sooo hate to be left cliffhanging when a show is canceled that I often won't let myself be drawn in. Looking forward to finding out about Sembene's backstory.

tv musings

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