Well since Mitt Romney is still a strong contender amongst the Rethuglicans (*g*) I thought I'd check out exactly what he supposedly believes in at
The Skeptics Annotated Book of Mormon. I know it's not PC to comment on someone's religious beliefs but if the Mormons truly believe all that it just proves David Hannum's adage that "there's a sucker
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The BOM is only part of the picture, though. There are two other books that are considered part of the standard scriptures, the Pearl of Great Price, which is supposed to be Joseph Smith's translation of an Egyptian papyrus (it's not a true translation of the papyrus, which has "mysteriously" gone missing, so people don't mention the Pearl much anymore) and the Doctrines and Covenants, AKA the D&C. Doctrines and Covenants are collected prophecies and pronouncements that the early leaders came up with, and they're very revealing on the important issues of the early days. They are the source of much of the behaviors and underlying philosophies of the faith.
Basically I am tired of the people who rule trying to impose upon us the idea that we are a Christian nation and everything would be better if we all believed and who do their darnedest to weaken the walls separating church and state. When did religious belief become a politcal litmus test? Jefferson and the others must be turning over in their graves.
To their credit, the LDS folk know how that sounds, and try to deflect talk into the validity of the message rather than the means the message arrived. It's a touchy subject.
Apparently John Madison stated specifically in a treaty with the Barbary pirates or something that we are not a Christian nation. I've got the citation somewhere, but it can be found by Googling John Madison and Christian nation.
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