Why does Murphy Have To Use Me For A F*** Toy?

Jun 24, 2007 15:00

Just got home from the doctor. I had gone in to see him because it feels like my thyroid is swelling up. If I don't do anything about it, I will start to "dry heave", sometimes severely (To the point where I actually come close to passing out.). That's why I always carry my generic Gravol tablets with me. They are the only thing that works well enough to force my throat to relax.

Why does "Murphy" have to use me for a f*** toy nearly all the time. Anytime something potentially good comes along, usually Murphy has to come along and screw it up. Tomorrow, I gotta go and have some bloodwork done. F***ing joy. I'd like to find out what the cause is and then see if it can be eliminated or controlled with meds or surgery. (God I hope its not the latter.)

That's all for now. L8R.
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