damn Shannon and her damnable sleeping ways!

May 28, 2006 16:46

Hey Hey all. I'm currently sitting here at the guys house on the computer and I decided to write something on here. Shannon stole my spot so I decided to steal hers on the computer chair. Anywho I shall update what has happened the last few days. Thursday was my birthday so I went out wiht my parents and Kayla for dinner. Friday we all got together and went for dinner and went to see X-men 3. Which by the way was a most excelent movie. I say Brain Singer would have still done a much better job but that's what we get for him leaving to do Superman. Oh well. Then Saturday...I cna't remamaber what happened...OH YEAH! Me and Brian and Shannon went to the mall and such and then we came back here and everyone hung out for a while and we wathced Monty Payton thingies on TV. Then today, Shannon, Brittany, Podesta, Casey and I all met up at the flea market. I bought a video game. It's good stuff and yeah. But now we all sit about here doing nothing. Shannon is falling in and out of sleep and were just kinda hanging out. I shall be off now to go and watch yet another episode of King of the Hill.

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