Ten Years, Twenty Years...

Oct 05, 2020 22:42

So, ten years ago to the day, I saw those 'new' Dark Eldar miniatures from Games Workshop, itself some ten years after I got my first Dark Eldar prior to going to university.  Only now, ten years on from that renaissance and twenty years from the initial inspiration, I have finally concluded painting the mass of those naughty piratical aliens along with the bits and pieces picked up since, all to a uniform-ish style.

Of course, they're now called Drukhari and I still haven't played an actual game with them, so that's only a partial victory.  At this point, I'll take what wins I can, though!  Think, just think of what I could achieve given another decade or two!


No, I don't have any pictures of them to post here, as that'll require some more actual planning.  When I do - when!  Not if! - it'll be much more impressive than the last group shot of them.

painting, 40k, warhammer community, dark eldar, drukhari

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