Captain America and the Mighty Avengers is doing a much better job at portraying this 'inversion' malarky than the main
Axis series is. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, since one is written by Al Ewing, and the other by Rick Remender, but there you go.
Luke Cage and Sam WIlson have been 'inverted' in CA&TMA, yet despite using some overly brutal methods to get things done, are still recognisably the same people. In AXIS, every single one of the inverted heroes is acting like an identical kill-crazy psychopath with no personality at all. Once again, this Marvel event looks like all the side tie-ins will prove superior to the main book.
Bonus points to CA&TMA for having someone burst through a window and shout "Stand and deliver!", villainous minion banter ("We're not office workers! We're urban pirates! Desperadoes on the road to nowhere!") and a much better variant cover: