(no subject)

Mar 03, 2015 02:19

New day, new inspiration. My inspiration of the few last weeks(or even months) is my dogs. First of them is Yorik. Cute Irish terrier with french pedigree and choleric temperament. He came to us just before new year, and since that time our life has totally changed. He was just three months old when he arrived so we had to walk with him for three hours per day during all the holidays. I think it is the first winter that I liked so much, and that is all because of these long joyful walks.
The other dog is the middle-sized mongrel that I picked up a week ago. We've chosen the name Lucky for her, cause it's a damn luck, that I met her that night and without second thought grabbed her and dragged all the way home. My girlfriend was walking with Yorik that very time. She was quite surprised that some guy 100 meters ahead of her was carrying such a big dog. She was even more surprised when we met at our flat's door and she found out that that guy was me.
Lucky is beautiful dog-girl that looks like some kind of laika. Black and white coat, fur as soft, as the feather of angel and the eyes full of affection. No one of our friends or dog-walkers in the street can't resist her charisma.
Now they are snoring by my side and life feels a bit more full, than it was before.

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