Cool Dead People!

Mar 15, 2005 19:38

So ya, i was talking to The Harris, and i randomly brought up the fact that Winston Churchhill was so awesome, and im making a list of cool dead people.
Winston Churchill
Because he has all kinds of great quotes, "You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing. That is, After they have exhausted all other possible options.", and he trained his bird to say "Fuck Hitler". Oh yea, he also had somthing to do with saving the world from Facsism, but u know who cares about that.*sarcastic*
Charles Marte- aka the coolest midevil French guy ever!
This guy led a shitty little army against a Massive Moor army, and he won!
He managed to change the balence of religious power in the world from Muslim to Christianity, and in World History class I decided to make him the number 1 most important person in history. Everyone else in my class picked Jesus, what the hell do they know.
Ben Franklin
Besides the fact that i had to put someone im related to on here. *waves* "Hey Great great great...... grandpa!", he is also very cool
He had brass balls, he sailed to England to deliver the Declaration of Independence to the King, then ran out of England as quickly as possible while the entirty of England was trying to kill him. He also told that dumb ass Webster to leave out all silent letters in his dictionary to make America truly unique.
Audie Murphy
He's the biggest ass kicker good guy America has ever produced. See an earlier post about his most impressive achivement. He killed nazi's, alot of them. He also saved alot of people's lives, by saying "you guys go run for cover, ill take this army on all by my self" on a couple of occasions. yet again, Steel Balls.
John Lennon
Socialist, Pacifist, great singer. He had a message, and if we had listened to him instead of shot him, we would be better off.
Just look at his song Imagine
Now, this guy had balls. *Let's just sit here while those soldiers beat the living shit out of us, they'll get tired evenetualy if they dont see any reason to fight.* is just a brilliant way of thinking when your working with nearly a billion people and no millitary. And he was right. This is another guy that we could have learned alot from, had we not shot him.
Now, just because I dont find him the most important person in world history doesnt mean i dont like the guy. He's awesome. And if people would stop making up their own ideas about what he said, and just LOOK at what he said, we could solve alot of problems. Besides, he turns water into high grade wine! Oh yea, and that whole being tortured to death for my sins part, that was really nice of him.
Sidartha aka Buddah
Yes, this guy is my favorite philosipher. His ideas are near perfect. The only problem is that its almost too perfect.
LouI Bang
Who? Well this guy is pretty awesome. He was a pesant, who became a soldier and Served in the Emperor Shi WanDi's army. When the emperor died, he littlerly hacked his way to power, all alone. From one of the poorest people in the world to the Emperor of the most powerful coutry in the world at the time. Thats pretty awesome.
Edgar Allen Poe
This guy was Nuts as hell, and he knew it. He has a cult following, seriously. His brain worked diffrently from all of ours. He saw things diffrently. He also had a horrible past that he felt haunted by, even though what it was is still unknown. He if the coolest person to ever die of Rabies! His followers put a flower on his grave on ever aniversary of his death.
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