Apr 05, 2007 10:08
It was spring, I know it was. There were huge robins (orange breasted-Indiana’s weird) and five black tailed deer in our little back yard between two complexes. I saw flurries this morning and it hailed on Tuesday!
When it was still spring, April 1st, we had a totally kick-a cookout. Britt called it our Spring Kickoff Cookout on the facebook invite. Cute, right? It was a total success. 30 of our coolest friends (that go to IU), teriyaki chicken, burgers, and hot dogs cooked on my fantastic charcoal Weber. I was so proud of myself. The chicken was just as good as my Dad’s! When I first lit the coals, the flame was huge! Way too big for our little terrace, but nothing was burnt, and then I used my grillin’ skills. It was a fantastic time. I’m really glad we did it before I graduate. Even Jeff came over and invited me and Sarah to his Seder. It was an interesting mix of Jews, Christians, fabulous gay men, and others I just can’t put into a tight group. I think that’s part of why it was good, everyone was different. After almost everyone cleared out, (the food was almost gone) Stacey came over and my main group of girls watched some home videos of us. Sarah and Jade did this hilarious version of sign language “Dirty Pop” that I have to put on Youtube!
That night I paid for all of the sugary goodness I ate, and that half a hot dog. Crazy pain that threw me into a panic. Yeah, good job Shaina. But luckily I have friends who’ll come over at midnight and stay up with me for hours until I can sleep. I was so worried about waking Brittany cause she had to work the next day, but I was pretty scared. The pain was so bad I wanted to get some help. I wish I could go to a hospital and they could just take everything bad out of my body, give me some pain killers, sleeping pills, and send me on my way. Is that what they do if you have Crohn’s? Man, I’m glad I don’t have that or gluten intolerance…I love bread. Anyway, I’m feeling better each day and I just thank god for Sarah, and Jade, and Brittany. They were too cute with popsicles, wash rags, a fan, and me crawling on the floor. So, I’m pretty lucky. I bet Dan’s really excited to go through an episode with me.
Can’t wait to graduate, but at least I’m having fun with the time I have left.