Dec 10, 2005 15:12
wow.. i haven't updated in a really long time.. well besides the thanskgiving entry but whatev.
i was just thinking about how many people i've gotten to know at pva this year and i love it so much.
i'm really shy but i love meeting new people!
and i really like pva itself...
i can't imagine going anywhere else.
ew sometimes when i see other schools i just come to appreciate attending pva so much.. no offense.. that's just me
and i love my friends.. old and new... soooo daggum much
i still have many more people to meet at our school.. there are a lot of people that seem fun to get to know or be friends with
i am intimidated by a lot of people, i'm not gonna lie.
but whatev..
i've had this quote in my profile for a while and i really like it...
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss
the end