Mar 04, 2015 21:36
I'll be 42 this year and I have realized that the bullying will never end.
As part of my recovery I have decided to lift weights and go for a walk every single day. It's about getting fitter and so forth.
Anyway, today I go for my walk and it's after school. There are two highschool girls and a highschool guy sitting on some equipment as I walk past them. I ignore them because I just had that feeling that something stupid would happen. I walk at a steady pace and of course am ever hopeful that they would just leave me alone.
I hear sudden laughter behind me. I do not turn around. I keep my eyes front and keep walking. It comes.
"Can I be your friend?" says a condescending female voice behind me, just on the border of the earshot.
It suggests that I don't have any friends or that I am too ugly to get a girlfriend. It's not the first time I have had similar horrible sexual harassment of this sort.
When I don't respond or react to the now disembodied voice behind me, it upsets them. I refuse to take their bait. The voices get louder.
"Hey!" is shouted by a female voice. But I keep going.
"I'll be 42 this year. When will this stop?" I reflect to myself and I realize that it will never stop.