Why Freud was on crack

Apr 08, 2009 18:59

O.k., I have to rant a bit. I really don't like Freud and many of this theories, and I'll explain why.

Freud developed many of his theories on his patients. Patients. He based these things on people who had mental illnesses! He never took a proper sampling of people. He wasn't objective. He would rant about people and their oral fixation while sucking on a cigar. I think he was wacked. Not -everything- in life is based on sex.

Now, some of this theories seem to have a bit of truth in them to me, but I don't agree with the direction and extent to which he took them. His research was skewed! The good thing about Freud? His theories and studies caused a lot of talk and a lot of action. Whether people agreed or vehemently disagreed with him, they started thinking themselves and came up with their own theories.

I could go on and on but to sum it up, in my mind, that's about all he was good for. He irritates the hell out of me and I think he had issues himself.
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