Jan 07, 2009 20:40
2008 was undeniably, without any concrete reason, an awesome year.
I tried to recall, what the hell happened along 2008 that made me feel so accomplished. Achievement wise? Nay. In fact, far from it. The past year have witnessed me racking upon numerous amount of failures, maybe more than I ever had in a year. Yet, I vaguely remembered the times I felt like crap. Yeah, there were a lot of times in which i had felt utterly defeated, and the countless cries of solitude. But-- in a larger view, I really can't sum up the year being, well, bad.
Perhaps this feeling of achievement lies in the inner strength I've been nurturing, tearing through the painful path of failures. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Or so they said. Sometimes I hate that phrase. The irony, of all the fiascos you survived would make you stand firmer, be a better person, perhaps, and yet it never said anything about bringing you closer to success. That's me being the rantful bastard that I sometimes am. My point now? Shit happens. And it sure happened a lot all through 2008. But I'm not gonna feel any less awesome now.
Thinking about it, the healthy life throughout the last 2 weeks of 2008, perhaps, contributes in making the dull moments more transparent. People chattered about new years resolution. Mine started after CF, 2 weeks before the bell of new year rang, for some reasons rendered relevant only to the individual, me. The resolutions? Let's not talk about them :)
Not to mention CF itself, and the few memorable occassions before it. The people I met. And things revolving around them. Despite the occasional faux pas, the blunders bumping through CF, and the annoying stomachaches and headaches; these events played their part in making sure that at least, my part of 2008, was grandiosely closed.
2008 brought me here. Without a doubt, still an incomplete person. Without a doubt, still a learning infant. But without a doubt, stronger, and better than ever.
I am proud of the me through 2008, and the me that confronts 2009 with an open shoulder.
2009, whether you're ready or not, here I come.