Cat camera

Feb 23, 2011 20:46

I discovered an interesting blog the other day: a couple attached a small camera to their male cat’s collar and programmed it to take pictures every two minutes as he ranged about in his daily wandering. The result is a surprisingly insightful and beautiful perspective from the view of a cat. Here are a few of my favorites:

Under the porch
Under the table
Hungry dogs
Front door
Fall leaves
Winter berries

The captions that his owners wrote for him annoy me, mostly because they dumb down his dignity and hello, he’s not really taking those pictures; in fact, the camera hanging off his neck probably annoys the heck out of him. But I really like the concept. There are a bunch of photos obviously taken from leafy ambush caves that I love, too. Oh, to be a cat.

Jeremy and I spent the entirety of last week watching the extended edition of Return of the King, in bits and pieces every day, and then started on the extensive documentary discs. I’m pretty much addicted to it now, and at four hours of filmmaking documentary have only just scratched the surface. Aside from how massive of an undertaking making such epic movies was, here are some other interesting tidbits I learned:

-During Eowyn’s Healing Scene (or what Jeremy likes to call the Magic Washcloth Scene), the pretty background female vocals are sung by Liv Tyler (Arwen). The song was originally supposed to accompany her vision she sees of her future son, but Peter Jackson thought it was weird and ended up replacing it with something more morose. Liv Tyler claims this happened after she had already bragged to all of her friends that she had a singing part, and ended up incredibly embarrassed when it was cut.

-Billy Boyd (Pippin) actually wrote the music for the song that he sings in that heartrending scene in RotK, The Edge of Night. It seems one of the producers heard him singing karaoke at a party one night and the next day gave him a couple of lyrics and told him to come up with a tune for it, to be performed in the shooting of that scene the next day. So he did. Some people and their talents…

Okay, I’m done nerding out for the moment. But I imagine I’ll be reporting each of my new LotR discoveries as I go, and this could span the space of several months. Everyone has been duly warned.
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