A question for my f-list (and anyone else who sees this)

Feb 08, 2010 01:19

Some of you probably know, that I have tried my hand at writing. If you follow the "fiction" tag of this journal, you will probably find three entries - two of them drabbles. Then there is a folder on my computer with some unfinished stuff from various fandoms and another one in paper form in a drawer of my desk. I'm fairly sure, that I won't ever finish most of that stuff, but I want some of it off my chest. Who knows, maybe one of my "fic orphans" sparks an idea in someone else.

So here is the question: would any of you be interested in me posting some story ideas, first draft snippets and the like?

For me it would be like taking a dress from the back of the closet, that hasn't fit in years, out of the drycleaner bag and offering it to someone who might actually wear it. But if this just sounds really boring and selfindulgent, I don't want to spam your f-lists with it, so let me know. :o)


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