Slate magazine coverage of STID

May 20, 2013 15:18

Slate has published quite a few funny and thoughtful articles on STID, collected here:

I especially liked the article by the ST "virgins" and their misunderstandings.

Matt Yglesias is totally right that ST needs to come back to TV as an arc-driven miniseries.
Movies are too action-based, and don't give enough time to themes and characters, which
is the real importance of ST.

Interesting disagreement between Yglesias and Dana Stevens about which ST series is
the best, with Yglesias saying STNG and Stevens saying TOS of course.  I think it is an age
thing.  Those older than Yglesias (who is only 31) first encountered the series in TOS and
are the ones who can fully appreciate how revolutionary it is.  Young people raised on TNG
just don't get TOS.  My stepdaughter was raised on TNG and DS9 and still hasn't seen TOS (!).
I am working on educating her properly :)

Finally, I liked WIckmans' "Star Trek Into Due Process" article.  I do think that there was a
powerful message in STID for basic civil rights than in the era of drone warfare and Guantanamo
should make people think -- especially Americans.  We need to keep pressing our government to
do the right thing.
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