Epiphany time!

Dec 20, 2005 09:27

All my life I've been hearing people make stupid analogies about sex, comparing it to chocolate or an ice cream sundae. As in "It's nice to have once in awhile, but isn't a necessity." Well, this analogy is flawed for many reasons. If you have too much chocolate or ice cream, you get fat and full. If you have too much sex, you... well... can you really have too much sex?

Anyway. I have found a better analogy for sex and I encourage you to share this with others if you agree with it.

Sex is like exercise.

1. It's most effective if you do it a few times a week.
2. Even if you don't think you're in the mood, you'll likely be glad you did it afterwards.
3. It burns calories.
4. Having a good partner makes it that much better.
5. It makes you sweaty and is best followed by a shower.
6. People sometimes pay to watch it on TV and there are lots of magazines devoted to it.

Add your own reasons!

Ok, back to work for me.
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