(no subject)

Nov 03, 2005 17:06

how is every body doing today?.. well thats good. today has been an ok day, i wasn't in a rush to do things. had time to sit down, eat and even turn on the tv. havn't done that in a while.. well.. today i got my psyc project back.. i was really blown away by the garde, bc i bull shited through it just like i do with every thing else, im kind good at that, bull shiting through things especially life. haha.. o guess what my mom had to say about me grade.. "oh good job, but i still think ur not going to do that well" wow thanks mother, not that i care what she thinks.

went to see nikki yesterday.. God i hope she getts betta.. i hate seeing her like this.. i have known her since 7th grade, back in Mr. koss's math class.. hehe wanna a gummy bear!...

in psyc we were talking about ppl geting old and how they go through depresions bc they havn't done anything in their life, and they know that they will die someday.. and that got me thinking.. what its going to be like when i die... what will i be, a frog, a bird, or maybe some one's cat.. haha that would be funny bc i would poop every where.. hehe... if i ever get sick to the point where i know i am going to die, i wanna do what my dad said. jump out of a plane with out a shoot on.. its the only time you can try it without a care in the world..

well that is all i have to say... i love u babe.... more
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