My hard drive has been teetering near full for quite some time now, and so the other day I sat down to try to free up some space. In the process, I discovered a cache of videos that I had downloaded a long time ago and were taking up a good bit of space. So, yeah, as it turns out, I actually have a pretty large collection of 1950's mental hygeine and social guidence films.
Like many hobbies and interests of mine, I had at one point been very very into these films, almost nerdily so, before dropping it for some other interest or hobby. I first picked up the habit in 2003, and at first I found that I favored the "aww gee shucks" wholesomeness of the Coronet Instructional Films, but then found myself drawn to the tragic consequences that await people who make bad decisions in the Crawley films. The uber-patriotism and commercialism of John Sutherland's animations soon hooked my attention, but was soon eclipsed by a brief flirtation with the dry pacing of the Encyclopedia Britannica films. Soon I found myself thinking things like, "Hey! Isn't Jack from "Mind Your Manners" the same kid who plays Woody in "Dating Do's and Don'ts?" (he is, just a couple years older). I was hooked.
But soon my interest was drawn elsewhere, and soon I was pursuing some other interest with the same nerdy gusto. And so my vast collection lay dormant, taking up space on my hard drive.
In an effort to clean up my hard drive while still saving the collection I had painstakingly pieced together, I have started uploading the videos to YouTube. Unfortunately, YouTube has recently put a ten minute cap on all uploaded movies, ostensibly as a crack-down measure to prevent the uploading of copyrighted material, and some of the best nuggets I have are in the 10 to 15 minute range. I'm working on either cutting them into "Part 1s" and "Part 2s" or seeing if there's a way around this ten minute nonsense.
Anyhow, the real point is to broaden exposure to a film genre that hasn't seen the light of day for five decades or so. So please check out what I've got up so far. I plan to slowly add movies for about a month or so, or until I lose interest. Whichever comes first. So here: And here is a preview of the gems that await you:
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