Still writing!

Oct 03, 2016 15:33

Yes, I am! Not finished anything yet, but I'm now up to nearly 50K words of my Misery Fic of Doom, have killed off another major character plus a minor one and only have three easy deaths left to go. Oh, and one long-term incapacitation. Splendid going for, what 6 months work? On a decade old plot bunny? Yays.

The muses are rampant, though, and I'm now bunnying new ideas. And reviving other very old ones, specifically an idea I had back in the day for an R/S mpreg fic. Yes, yes, I know, mpreg, kill me now, although I did always think it was sort of meant to be a bit mpreg for people who don't like mpreg but... eh, who am I trying to kid? Mpreg for people who don't like themselves very much, or maybe that's just me.

So anyway, I was pretty sure I'd started to write this one down way back when, in an old notebook, so this morning I went out into the garage to look and, sure enough, there it was. A quick open of my notebook and the first line that caught my attention was, I shit you not, "Remus let out a breath he didn't know he was holding".

Well, I didn't think it could all be that bad, so I took the notebook back inside for a read and, well, it was mostly terrible. Like, the best bit was Sirius saying that having children was like having syphillis but at least with syphillis no-one expects you to be happy about it. Yes, the rest was much worse.

So I'll have to start again. I think? The bunnies are bothering me, although it might be even more niche than the Misery Fic on account of it's not so much kinking on the mpreg thing as... weirdly political, and has various stuff about sexuality and body image and heteronormativity (ugh, just typing that makes me feel the biggest of wankers, but it's sort of true). Although the original idea had an unhappy ending which I've decided to revise to make wildestranger not hate me, which necessitates turning Remus into a private detective, so that should be fun.

So, how YOU doin'?

fic writing

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