A New Year, the Same You!

Jan 03, 2011 01:43

Happy New Year, flisties! I hope you all celebrated in the style you most desire - I did by having a nice long kip, with the house to myself. Yeah, I'm a boring old git but whatever, if you had my insomnia you'd recognise that for the treat it is.

On a brighter note self and daughter are both back at school this week, and guess which one of us hasn't done her homework? Oops, that'll be the Bad Parent in the back there. Tomorrow I absolutely absolutely must draw some rocks. You all envy my thrilling life, I know.

In fannish news I have been thinking lots about the Gwaine/Morgana fic I want to write and it is growing progressively more epic. I loves the idea of the them together sfm. ♥ Obscure non-canon het pairings seem to be my Thing now - remember how over-excited I got about Castiel/Anna? Yeah, well, I'm still bitter about how that worked out, but I hold out higher hopes for my favourite Knight Errant and the Sexy Sorceress.

(So far my plot outline involves swordfighting, brawling in taverns, fairies, a magical quest, a unicorn wivva limp, pretending to be married, love potions, moar swordfighting, lots of bickering, miscellaneous misuse of mythology, and just a few wee hints of incest. FUN TIMES!)

Also, I finally watched the Doctor Who Christmas special. Do you want to hear my thoughts? I want they are, overall, not very squeeful. And involve capslocking the word LITERALLY a lot. Ahem.

rl, merlin, college, doctor who

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