Mar 08, 2007 22:00
If I don't mess up/get too lazy, there will be my life and history editions of this to follow.
Minerva McGonagall (Harry Potter)
This should come as no suprise to you all, since I (poorly) maintain a community devoted to spreading the love of all things McGonagall-ish. McGonagall is fiesty, smart, and compassionate all at once, and basically embodies pretty much all the traits I live to see in a person. I love that she seems dour and harsh sometimes, but is actually a big softy beneath it all. I love that she doesn't take any shit from anyone. I love that she lays down the law big time, but isn't above breaking the rules herself from time to time.
Plus, she has the best one-liners ever. Cough drop, Dolores?
Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter)
Y'know, growing up with six older brothers has got to take it out on a girl, but Ginny's a match for any of them. I love Ginny's attitude, how tough she is, and that she doesn't take any attitude. I love that she's grown and developed throughout the HP series, going from being a bit shy and awkward to completely kick-ass. (Although I also love that even at 11 she had the nerve to send Harry the lamest Valentine ever.) I love that even though she wasn't exactly fond of Luna herself, she stood up for her when she was being bullied by older boys. I love her independence. And I love that sometimes she can be stroppy, tempremental and unreasonable, because who the hell wants perfect anyway?
Toshiko Sato (Torchwood)
OMG, this woman is so smart it hurts. I love how adorably geeky she is, and the way she gets really excited about cool, clever alien stuff sometimes. I love that even though she's quiet and reserved she's totally up for a bit of fighting when the situation calls for it. I love that even though she's maybe not got the most fantastic people skills in the world, she still cares enough about people to make the effort. I love that she wrote out Very Hard Sums in her own blood. I do not love how criminally underused she is in Torchwood and very much hope there will be more of her in S2.
Suzie Costello (Torchwood)
Suzie is my favouritest psycho-killer of all time. Really, really, really. I love how she digs around in her handbag saying 'sorry, sorry, I'll just be a minute...' before pulling a gun on Gwen. I love that she was clearly a mad, mad genius. I love that her idea of an evil scheme involved herself dying and being stowed in the morgue for months. I love that she used poetry to trigger the lockdown on the Hub. I love that she calls Jack 'Captain, my Captain' when he's shooting her to death (except she's totally not dying).
Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Rose is just really, really normal and I like that a lot. I love how excited she gets about stuff, how she just can't not carry on having adventures with the Doctor when she finds out what's out there, because how many people could? I love that she doesn't trust the TARDIS' washing facilities and still brings her washing home to her mum. I love how hot she looked firing a gun at the windscreen of the spaceship in The Satan Pit. I love it when she teases the Doctor, because it's good for him, it really is. I love her energy. I love her really, really pathetic attempts to get Queen Victoria to say 'we are not amused' just so she could win a bet. I love that she's as stubborn as a mule.
international womens day