Now at the Shaggy Dog's Tail-end of this fest, the mods here at
shaggydog_swap wanted to ask you all (participants & audience members alike) to take a tiny bit of time to answer some/all of the questions below and leave a comment (all comments are screened so only the mods will see).
1) How did you enjoy the fest?
2) Was there anything that could have been done better?
3) What did you enjoy most/least?
4) What would you like to see happen next time?
5) Do you think there should be a cap on participants?
6) What did you think of the word count?
7) Was there enough communication between mods and participants?
8) Was the posting schedule alright?
9) Were you happy to be assigned art or do you think you'd like to be offered more choice next time?
10) Was there enough time to get your art/fic done? Too much/too little time?
11) Anything else?
Please copy form text here:
1) How did you enjoy the fest? 2) Was there anything that could have been done better? 3) What did you enjoy most/least? 4) What would you like to see happen next time? 5) Do you think there should be a cap on participants? 6) What did you think of the word count? 7) Was there enough communication between mods and participants? 8) Was the posting schedule alright? 9) Were you happy to be assigned art or do you think you'd like to be offered more choice next time? 10) Was there enough time to get your art/fic done? Too much/too little time? 11) Anything else? Thank you all so much for your lovely support, and enthusiastic responses. You all made it the wonderful time that it was.
Thank you,