Title: Since
Almost Blue by
calico_lupinWord Count: 2,520
Rating: PG-13
Contains: *angst, swearing*
Summary: AU. Remus’ premature, lycanthropy-related death hits Sirius harder than he ever could have imagined
Notes/comments: Thanks to my lovely beta and thanks to
calico_lupin for creating such a stunning piece of art, I really hope you like the story it
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You really dealt with his grief well and very realistically. I very much felt for poor Sirius here.He hadn’t wanted to wear anything of his own, anything he might wear again (even accidentally), on this day. Now he wished he had. He felt like a stranger in James’ clothes, as though he didn’t belong there. You don’t. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Twenty-seven is no age. He had put nothing of himself into this day, James and Lily had taken care of everything. He hadn’t even spoken at the service (‘No one expects you to, mate’), James had done that. He had put nothing of himself into this day and there had been nothing of Remus in it either. There would never be anything of Remus in any day from now on. Gawd, that just about killed me, but it also felt very real, like grief itself. You could tell that Remus was his whole world and how terrible it felt to lose that.
James and Lily were wonderful here, too, and you did a marvelous job keeping them in character. Lily lovingly dressing Sirius in the beginning was a beautiful image and very in-keeping with what we see of her in canon. Even her slight bossiness upon entrance fit, for she is a powerful (and loving) woman. James was awesome, too, and very in character. Of course, he would deal with his best friend with humor. ‘If you’re going to do it, don’t drown yourself in this manky old river. I’m fairly sure it’s about ninety percent piss. And the other ten percent is shopping trolleys. Come home and I’ll cut you a nice length of rope or brew a tasty poison.’ As in canon, he knows exactly what his best friend needs.
I also really liked your use of the art. You very much captured the atmosphere and feeling of of the work. I very much felt the shades of greys and feeling of fragmentation. That was impressive and also very beautiful.
This very nicely done. My only complaint is that now I am totally craving Indian food. And it’s 9:32AM in the morning here. Thanks. LOL.
Rec'd here: http://brighty18.livejournal.com/653365.html.
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