Title: Three Moons, Preserved.
ThesiriusmoonArt: "
Morning" by
Duskblue Word Count: 3,710
Rating: [PG-13]
Contains: *letters, The Prank, self harm (werewolf), snuggling*
Summary: Some things you never throw away, even after everything you think they meant is gone.
Notes/comments: This is not the fic I meant to write when I started. Honestly, I have no idea
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I feel like you really used the format to your advantage, especially with the radio silence when it came to Sirius' replies.
There is a sort of detatched helplessness that comes through conversations being had only through letters, and I think you touched upon the boundaries of it perfectly with Sirius writing back short replies and him dropping completely off the radar before he left home.
I loved the Remus and female shepherdess fiasco, especially Remus' comment about being surprised at being able to finish a chapter without being thrown in the lake.
James was perfect too, his excitement about Lily's rude reply was SO James haha
I like nothing better than a James who is completely useless when it comes to his affections :D
And the kiss at the end was so lovely. It fit the whole ddelicacy of the story perfectly. Your description was so carefully accurate of that feeling, that crossing of a line.
There is something so lovely about a Remus who comforts Sirius <3
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