Title: Philippine Freedom
Free by
livinglibrariesWord Count: 2,894
Rating: NC-17
Contains: Explicit sex and cursing
Summary: London in winter is cold and gloomy.
Notes/comments: Thank you to my wonderful friend and beta,
remuslives23. I am in awe at the fact that you still even like me, after all I've put you through. Thanks and hugs of gratitude to my
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First off, this is one of my favorite time periods IF if is hurt/comfort, humor, or has a happy ending. I love both our boys as broken adults, they are so complex and easily broken, but still so deeply feeling. You really capture that well. And you managed to inject humor into it as well: "You'd probably do a better job than I would." Remus leaned in to kiss the tip of Sirius' nose. "I'd be afraid you'd attack him as Padfoot and rip off his leg and start munching on it instead of just trailing him, though."
Sirius chuckled. "That's probably true." LOL. Cute as that bit is, I appreciate the fact that is shows Remus as still loving and knowing Sirius enough that he can joke with him. And I imagine that Sirius would that as much as anything at that point.
Again, they understand each other so well. Sirius, especially needed that. Remus knew it was definitely one of those times to not ask questions. In all honestly, he was perfectly happy with not knowing. Sirius was obviously wound up about it, all but bouncing with excitement as he bundled Remus into his cloak again. He reminded Remus very much of the Sirius he'd known and fallen in love with at Hogwarts twenty years before. Beautiful!
Best of all, though, was that they actually got some happiness during this dark, period of their lives. The years they carried on their shoulders and faces melted away over those days, leaving them standing straighter and smiling more than they had in years. They fell asleep on the warm sand while watching the sunset, then wake up in the middle of the velvet night to point out constellations to one another. God, they needed that - and I totally did, too. Crazy as this may sound I love stories in which they get to be happy. Yes, a part of me really wants them to be happy, for they totally deserve it.
Oh, and for what it’s worth, the cold season is starting here, so I can totally relate. (As can you because I’ve lived through that weather, too.) I’ve always seen Remus as hating cold, but your comments about Sirius really struck c chord, too: As he approached the front door, he found himself wishing he and Sirius could escape to somewhere snowless and warm. The closer it got to the full moon, the more his joints creaked with the cold. Sirius, after suffering the chill of Azkaban couldn't seem to get warm either. Remus smiled slightly at the thought of telling Dumbledore they wanted to move Order Headquarters to the south of France or Greece-or somewhere much more equatorial. Great bit and it felt very “right.”
All in all this story was really wonderful. It was sweet and funny and yet very deeply felt at the same time. And, of course, it was very well-written. The only thing I wish is that they could have paid a little visit to epithalamium whilst visiting the Philippines. Or, who knows, maybe she was hiding in the bushes watching the really great sex!
Well done! Rec'd here: http://brighty18.livejournal.com/648892.html
I'll brave uninhabited little islands for these two!! *g* I was honestly tickled pink (do people say that still? What am I, 90 years old? lol) when I saw the title, because I've read other ships written in the Philippines before, but not R/S!! <3
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