(*Come join the fun at
shaggydog_swap !
Timeline The artists have drawn us some lovely shaggy dog TAILS, and now it's time for the writers to write us some lovely shaggy dog TALES. Please take the next 5 days to peruse, COMMENT and enjoy the lovely art that's been produced - all for you! Writers and audience members alike! Find below a lovely list of all the art that was posted in the past 10 days!
Almost Blue by
calico_lupin The treasure of your past by
kath_ballantyne Of Poor Lighting and Ineffectually Soppy Boys by
dustmouth I wonder... by
shira_a Free by
livinglibraries Now, let's not be hasty by
whitmans_kiss Gone Fishing and Rescue Team by
drakanova Quick Britght Things by
tortugax Flirt by
mypretty_art Broken Wand by
ravengrimm Pet Sitting by
azhrarn_vazdru Outlining by
phiso_kun Harry, you are loved by
thedeathchamber Colourful side of the moon by
chalada February Air by
wishteria The same boat by
epithalamium Get that message home and
Ambiguous words are surprisingly handy by
schnupsipupsi Sun Up, Wind High by
pandafoot105 Morning by
duskblue Sunshine by
the_limousine Bath by
may_g Chaos Theory by
cackling_madly Bubbles by
deviant_forever The Jazz Night by
cmajalis Waning Moon, Crescent Moon (time passes slowly when I'm with you) by
mblfree Which Backstreet Marauder Boy is gay? by
chalada Out for a Walk by
horcruxhymen Congrats to all the artists! Any writers interesting - come one by. We'll be doubling and tripling up if needed. The deadline for Writers to sign up is this Monday the 29th! We'll post a running tally of who we have signed up already, so come on over and give it a go! Or peek.:)
Yours Truly,
Your Doggedly Shaggy Mods.