Deluxe US 'Deathly Hallows' cover art!
Scholastic has released the cover art for the deluxe edition of the American Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:
- Artwork
- Box
David Saylor, Vice President, Creative Director, Scholastic described the art: "Set during a highly dramatic sunset, Harry, Hermione, and Ron--clothes in tatters--cling atop a flying dragon in this astonishing artwork created by Mary GrandPré for the deluxe edition. As mist creeps down towering hillsides to a village below, questions arise about where the trio is headed and what has led them to this spellbinding moment."
The book will contain 816 pages compared to 784 pages in the regular edition and will cost $65; 100,000 copies are being printed.
I can not wait to get my hands on this book! Just thought I would share a little insight with each of you. I know when the covers come out I always tend to see if I can figure anything from the plot line. Take Care.