...why hasn't anyone ever made a Percy Picspam? Just because the man was the controversial outcast of the Romantic period and has been dead for the last 186 years doesn't mean he doesn't deserve one, right?
Googling around the Image section I stumbled upon three --three-- different blogs full of picspams of Keats. Keats, I mean, come on people!! And God knows how many of Byron. *shakes head* Aggravating. Really.
"Right then," I told myself, "let's fix this terrible disaster!"
Here it is, the very First Pretty Percy Picspam Ever!
DISCLAIMER: All these pictures belong to others, so don't come buggering me.
Now, to begin in an orderly fashion, Young Percy:
This is a Miniature (tinted drawing) of Shelley as a boy, by the Duc de Montpensier. So cute!! *squeals*
A Classic that appears in almost 90% of the covers of his Completed Works.
He looks a bit fat in this one. Oh, but I positively love his fey features!
Percy Gone Greek.
And here's some fanart. There's so little of him! (and so much of that bloody ungrateful Keats Guy! Argh!)
...and here's my personal favourite:
Queen Mab was Shelley's first major poem, but he was never completely satisfied with it. Even after it was printed, he continued to refashion some of its passages, as this copy of the first edition, with revisions and additions in the poet's hand, makes clear:
And for all of you out there who think I'm mindlessly mad and fixated with Perce, here's a pic of Byron, Comic Style! Taken from Invisibles Arcadia, A Romantic Comic of Julian and Maddalo:
He sure looks HOT!