May 09, 2008 23:12
Why is everybody so crazy with drama? I feel kind of like I'm saying "I'm better than you" to everyone else, but I can't help but feeling that everyone should work on dealing with drama in their lives like I do. Everybody naturally has the instinct to overreact and go wild when something strongly displeases them. I know it's hard, but thinking rationally and clearly is the only way to go about things, especially if a problem can not be dealt with immediately. more like me and learn how to just deal with stuff. Ask me how, I'm willing to tell you.
Sorry, that was really boring to read and elitist sounding. Oh well.
I will now provide a hilarious dream I had last night to make up for it.
In my dream, it was a beautiful summer Sunday morning in Webster, Mass. where my grandmother lives. Grandma, my mom, Julia, and I were going to church because my mother decided that we should (I think it was initially for a funeral, but it turned out to be a regular Sunday service so I guess my mom tricked us into going to church). So, we got there just in time for Communion, which is when you go up and eat Christ's body and drink his blood. A big difference between Protestantism and Catholicism is that Catcholics believe that the whole "body of Christ" thing is literal, while Protestants believe it is a metaphor.
So anyway, we got there for Communion which is normally about 45 minutes into an hour long service. In line, my mom and grandma got into a fight about it because my grandmother insisted that she was Protestant so she couldn't go to a Catholic service (not true at all, she's been Catholic since she was first baptized). I'm not sure what ended up happening to her. Maybe she left?
My mom and I both go up to the priest and receive our communion wafers without incident. Julia then proceeds to walk up to the man, and was rather clueless as she had never been to a church service before.
The priest presented Julia with the wafer and said "this is the body of Christ". Her eyes looked first and the wafer, then at the priest. After a moment she blurted out "Well, fuck!".
Song of the Day-Something's Always Wrong, Toad the Wet Sprocket
Thought of the Day-I'm so glad to be done with my first year of college! Home is great, especially after the past few weeks.
~Justin "Eliminates the middleman" Miller