
Oct 17, 2004 15:32

Severus wakes up in a muck-sweat. He's just had the most appalling nghtmare. Something about shacking up with Minerva, and Neville defeating the Dark Lord - who had the most dreadful taste in shirts - and, though winning the Wizarding Lottery was nice, he couldn't help feel that on balance the whole business had been a nightmare.

After all, it wasn't as if there actually was a Wizarding Lottery.

He didn't know what message his subconscious was sending him, but whatever it was, it wasn't good. Yes, the Dark Lord was dead; yes, he had a brand new spanking life to lead, But he was damned if he was going to waste it on Minerva, who was, in any event, too busy shagging Albus for him to get a look in.

No, what he wanted was a younger model. Something a little more energetic. Something frisky even.


And he'd just had an idea.

Just what was Hermione Granger up to these days????
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