Morning is broken and so is his back

Jul 16, 2004 15:32

Dave was a cruel master. Dave had a nasty temper and a tendency to lash out when disappointed, which was frequently..

Nonetheless he can't remember waking up in so much pain ever before.

His back is - not to put too fine a point on it - fucked.

Fucked to buggery to be precise.

And not for the right reasons.

It's the last time he allows himself to be sweet-talked into anything that involves personal discomfort. Or indeed putting himself out in any way.

He makes a mental note to insist on clean bedding for all the beds in the boys room, and make Ron and Luna change them, then staggers off into the kitchen for his Coffee.

Dear god his back hurts - its the Hot Tub for him and be damned to lifting a finger to do any chores today.
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