Waking up

Jul 09, 2004 17:44

Severus wakes late, and wrapped round a still-sleeping Minerva, determined not to let her go.

Still, at least now she's got the ring, and it will only be a couple of weeks apart at most, and maybe she won't be evicted. After all, who doesn't like Minerva? Surely Pansy, or even Draco, are more irritating and therefore eviction-worthy.

If she does go there are things they need to discuss.

Severus smiles wistfully. There aren't many people who have to wake their lady-love by whispering sweet nothings in their ear about wards, and poisons, and blackmail and comitting mayhem.

For a Gryffindor she's very sneaky. It's almost as if being Slytherin has rubbed off on her in some way.
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