Keeping you all up to speed

Jan 24, 2006 22:11

So, here's the latest update. I got the job at DSI (Decision Software Inc)so I'm moving back to MD. The bad news is I have no place to live yet and no money to put down on an apartment. So the plan is to stay with friends or friends of family for a few weeks, maybe a month, then when I have money I'll get an apartment. Now there's the other problem...who to stay with. So far no one has room or their still living with parents. My absolute last resort is staying with friends in White Marsh, but thats a 90 minute ride to work everyday that I really dont want! It's strange. This is what i've wanted for the past 3 years, and yet I'm not sure I'm ready. I mean, i know I am and I know things are going to work out, I just feel like I'll sink instead of swim. Then again, I've been having random bouts of anxiety lately so this could all just be a manifestation of my deep fear of change. In which case I need to shut the fuck up and get on with life. Which is what I think I'll do!
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